Thursday, May 27, 2010

Once again, the Standing Committees are...

Business Services
Chair: Susan Manning
Susan Fox
Lionel Norton
Kathy Thomas (MN)
Jeff Simpson (CG)

Chair: Lionel Norton
Jessica Ace
Susan Manning
Beth Bingham (MN)
Sharon Henes (CG)

Chair: Peter Sobol
Jason McCutchin
Jill List
Andrew Bridell (MN)
Jim Foley (CG)

I applied for 2 committees, but did not get appointed. This was not a surprise to me. It was interesting to see that the Board President is serving on Business Services. I didn't think that was normally done. Interesting to see three of the four officers on that committee, also.

I hope that these committees will be effective and create efficiency on the board. That would involve a level of trust, though. I don't think that this board has that.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

District loses Mary Ellen Van Valin

Unfortunately, our district is set to lose one of it's most valuable administrators. Mary Ellen Van Valin, Director of Business Services, has tendered her resignation effective at the end of the school year. For the entire article in the Herald Independent, please see

I talked to Mr. Gerlach and this spot will be a difficult position to fill, considering the specialized certification that is needed. In addition several other districts are looking to hire a person for the same position.

I believe that the loss of Mary Ellen is a symptom of a larger problem that this district has. The question is, how much longer will we let it continue?

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Alternate School

The School Board will vote on the location of the Alternate School at it's next meeting on May 26 (7pm at the District Office). They will choose to either locate the school of 25 high school students to either Nichols where it would be self contained or to Winnequah where the school would share space with 3rd-5th graders.

I just have to wonder what Monona residents are thinking of this? I heard many people stand up and say that they did not want the smallest children of Maywood (pre-K through 2) mixing with the older children of Winnequah (3-5 graders next year). That would put the age ranges of children at 4 years old to 11 years old. Now we are talking about putting 8 year olds with 18 year olds? Haven't parents already said that they don't like this scenario? Is the Board not listening? Or is there something that I am missing?

For the entire story in the Herald Independent, please see

Friday, May 21, 2010

A word about posting....

I have decided to make this blog an anonymous free zone. I just got a comment that was not productive from an anonymous commenter. I don't think that will get us anywhere. If you want to say something, then you will have to put your name to it.

Now, I will challenge the poster who posted earlier tonight to repost your comment.

Oh, those Standing Committees....

I got an email today from Susan Fox and she requested that I take down my posting of the Standing Committees until after the Board Meeting on May 26th. Apparently, someone saw my posting this morning and called Ms. Fox to alert her to this. I had no idea that this posting was so controversial when I did it, as I received the email with the committee assignments directly from Ms. Fox. Therefore, in an effort to oblige her, I am accomodating her request. I will repost the assignments after the meeting.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Power of the Volunteer

Holy smokes. I just got an interesting email. One of our parent volunteers here at the Cottage Grove PTO added up all the money that this organization has given to our schools in the past three years. The number is staggering...just shy of $120,000. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!! My jaw is still hanging open. I am so humbled by the amazing generosity that parents offer our schools - whether it is making a dessert for teacher conferences, working a shift at the Fall Festival or chairing a committee...COTTAGE GROVE PTO ROCKS!!!! Go parents GO!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Talent Shows and Teacher Cuts and Standing Committees...Oh My!!

I have taken a break from the blogosphere for a while, but I am back with a renewed committment. I am sure you are all sighing a breath of relief....

Last Friday night we attended the Glacial Drumlin Talent Show. Our daughter Samantha performed two acts - a solo singing act and a musical skit with a friend. We were so proud of her, and all of the kids who had the courage to get up in front of not only parents and teachers but the most critical of audiences, their peers. Kudos to all the talented kids at Glacial Drumlin School! Of course, the added bonus was seeing the Gerlachs join in the fun, bravely engaging in a dance contest and the timeless Saltine Cracker/whistling challenge. We are fortunate to have such upbeat and good sporting people in our district!

The preliminary teacher layoffs have been posted and the list is long. The Budget Crisis now has names and faces. It sounds like there will be some call backs, but it is not yet clear who those teachers will be. I have heard - and this is not confirmed, just what I have heard - that Jill Jensen and Kris Tudor will be retained, but it is not clear in what capacity. All rumor, of course. When I hear of accurate information, I will post it.

Standing Committees are back! Last year, the Board eliminated these long standing committees, made up of Board members and citizens by a vote of 5 to 1, with Peter Sobol voting against the elimination and Jill List not in attendance. Susan Fox, Jessica Ace, Lionel Norton, Jason McCutchin and Susan Manning voted for the elimination. I was at the meeting where this took place and I was dissappointed in the vote, so I am happy to see their return. If you are interested in applying for a committee, head to to get the application. All submissions are due by May 15th, so if you are interested, the clock is ticking!