Thursday, May 27, 2010

Once again, the Standing Committees are...

Business Services
Chair: Susan Manning
Susan Fox
Lionel Norton
Kathy Thomas (MN)
Jeff Simpson (CG)

Chair: Lionel Norton
Jessica Ace
Susan Manning
Beth Bingham (MN)
Sharon Henes (CG)

Chair: Peter Sobol
Jason McCutchin
Jill List
Andrew Bridell (MN)
Jim Foley (CG)

I applied for 2 committees, but did not get appointed. This was not a surprise to me. It was interesting to see that the Board President is serving on Business Services. I didn't think that was normally done. Interesting to see three of the four officers on that committee, also.

I hope that these committees will be effective and create efficiency on the board. That would involve a level of trust, though. I don't think that this board has that.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Jenn,
    Just curious... which 3 officers seem "interesting" to you, and why? I am not familiar with the standing committee process.

  3. Hi, Steph. What I meant was that there were 3 of the 4 officers on the committee - both Business Services and Policy. No officers are on the Curriculum Committee.
